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CN/29/032/2020 -​ Chancery Notice - Special Collection




Chancery Notice

Special Collection for University of Saint Joseph and 

Higher Education Development in the Diocese

Bishop Stephen LEE has made public the following:

In order to aid the development of higher education in the Diocese, "which contribute[s] to a more profound human culture, the fuller development of the human person, and the fulfillment of the teaching function of the Church" (Code of Canon Law 807), all parishes will take up a special second collection during the Sunday Masses from 28th to 29th November 2020 (First Sunday of Advent) which are to be delivered to the Bishop's Office (c. 1266). The faithful are kindly encouraged to show their generous support.

Given at the Chancery Office, Macau, 3rd November 2020.

Rev. Cyril Jerome LAW, Jr.


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