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CN/5/005/2020-Chancery Notice


Chancery Notice


In response to the latest situation regarding the Novel Coronavirus epidemic and in order to cooperate with the public protection and disease prevention measures, Bishop Shephen LEE Bun-sang has promulgated the following directive for the Catholic Diocese of Macau:

(1) From 6th to 19th February, 2020 (a total of 14 days), all scheduled Public Masses in the Diocese are suspended and churches will remain closed.

(2) All scheduled Public Masses are suspended in all churches, community chapels and elderly homes in the Diocese.

(3) The faithful are advised not to go out unless necessary. During these days when one cannot attend Masses at church, please perform other acts of piety such as lectio divina, spiritual communion, and rosary at home.

(4) The men’s and women's Congregations, Societies of Apostolic Life, Personal Prelature, and religious communities and centers are to arrange their own Masses, but they should not be open to the public.

(5) For those who need to have recourse to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), please make individual appointments with priests in the parish or other priests available; confessions should be arranged to be heard in well ventilated places whenever possible. Marriage and Funeral services may be celebrated by special arrangement between Parish Priests, the parties concerned and their families.

(6) All gatherings and conferences in the Diocese, including Sunday school and adult catechetical classes are to be postponed until 19th February.

(7) The Diocese will provide a link on the diocesan website to the broadcast Masses on Sunday and weekdays from 6th to 19th February:
Sunday (9th and 16th February): 9:15 am (Cantonese) / 11:00 am (Portuguese) / 5:00 PM (English)

Weekdays: 7:45 am (Cantonese) / 6:00 PM (Portuguese)

The Faithful should be encouraged to watch the live broadcast of Mass and make a Spiritual Communion praying:

"My Jesus, I believe that you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen."

(8) For the latest information, please visit the Catholic Diocese's website at:

At this extraordinary time, the Diocese’s arrangements should allow the faithful to remain at home as much as possible, reducing the risk of contagion in the community. Let us do our best to live out the spirit of Sunday observance, by watching the live Mass broadcast and undertaking the acts of piety suggested above. “May God bless us and keep us whole in body, mind and in spirit. May we be inspired by God’s love for mankind. Let us work together to overcome this epidemic, doing so with Christian peace and joy, as, filled with love, we seek to build up our common home during this difficult period of time” (Bishop LEE’s Pastoral Letter, “In Times of Adversity, Greater Love is Shown”).


Given at the Chancery Office, 4 February 2020.

Rev. Cyril Jerome LAW, Jr.


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